Words from the achiever
“My imagination ran wild with cowboys and Indians. I discovered a book by Will James called Smoky, the story of a cowhorse. That was my first great literary experience. I could not put that book down, literally could not put it down. When I had finished it, I read everything I could get my hands on by Will James. Sun Up, all kinds of cowboy stuff. The writing was terrible, but the books were wonderful. It made a great difference in my life. “
About the book
Beloved children’s story of the life of a horse, from his birth in the wild, through his capture by humans and his career in rodeo and on the range, to his old age in the pasture.
“My life, from the time I first squinted at daylight has been with horses. I admire every step that crethure makes, I know them and been thru so much with ’em that I’ve come to figger a big mistake was made when the horse was classed as an animal. To me, the horse is man’s greatest, most useful, faithful, and powerful friend. He never whines when he’s hungry or sore footed or tired, and he’ll keep on going for the human till he drops.”