I saw my clients being picked up one by one, one after the other, and had a most terrible experience of somebody who came to my office and she said, “My name is Beauty Solwandle. I’m married to Looksmart Solwandle.” And I’m getting all tense because I know she’s gonna ask me that he’s been detained under the 90-Day Law. And there’s nothing I can do. The law gave us no scope. There was no habeas corpus, there was no remedy and I’m trying to say — and she’s telling me her story slowly, “…and he was in this police cell and he was taken to Pretoria.” And I want to say, “Mrs. Solwandle, there’s nothing…” And she said, “And I got the news yesterday that he was found hanged in his cell.” He was the first political detainee — sadly the first of many, many in South Africa — to be killed under torture. And I said, “Well, at least we must try and get a post-mortem, an investigation.” And we got lawyers to do that. And something came out and the magistrate just accepted everything from the police. All the bruising on his body, he found excuses for that. And we didn’t get very far.