Alice Waters: That’s the kind of feeling that we all had in the ‘60s. It was like, you’d take your bike down to the freeway; you’d park it. You never locked it up. You put your thumb out; you’d get picked up, driven to San Francisco. Same way back home. Pick up your bike. Ride up the hill. I just felt a sense of generosity. And we weren’t afraid. We weren’t thinking about: “What is that person going to give to me?” It was always just a feeling of “You can share this. You need a room? Come stay in my room.” And it was the way I felt when I traveled around the world, that those indigenous cultures have that sense of hospitality. I went to Turkey, if you can imagine, and pitched a tent. Two women pitching a tent out in a field. And the next morning finding a bowl of warm goat’s milk under the tent flap. You know? Where is that sense of humanity now?