We heard about New York. We heard about Los Angeles. We heard about some, but Chicago seemed to be the place you could go and get you a nice car. You could live anywhere you want. You can marry anybody you want. You could date anybody. I started to think about it a little. I’d see people then that had lived up there and had come down and they would be dressed nicely and I still had on my overalls. See overalls was a thing of wear that we had and you wore them every day. Every day you had overalls on. Overalls is jeans with a bib, to me. Well I’d wear them all the week. On Friday night wash them, and dry them and iron them on Saturday morning, and wear them to church on a Sunday. That’s why today I say to myself, “I love to see the young people wear comfortable things.” I have some jeans at the house that I wear them at the house, but I swore if God let me live there is two or three things I would never do again: wear overalls; I would always have me enough to eat if I needed it; and food that I liked to eat. Those three things I swore to myself, “If God let me get to be grown, these three things I’m going to have.”