Barry Scheck: It had to do with blood stains on a walkway, and we knew that the defense lawyers would eventually call us just for advice on how to handle the serology evidence, how the DNA should be tested, because this was an area of expertise that we had, and the legal community all knew this. So literally, while they are doing the hearings, we would send questions to Jerry Uelmen and Bob Shapiro about how the evidence was processed, what they should ask, etc. And then, it’s not something that we ever wanted, per se, but people forget that the DNA testing was going on before, even after they picked the jury they were still doing serological and DNA testing and other forensic testing in the Simpson case. So in any event, we were called in to be part of that defense team. And everybody thought that we were going to challenge the technology, per se. And that is not something that we did, because that wasn’t really… the defense in the matter had to do with the way they mishandled its collection. And there’s not much good that could be said came out of the O.J. Simpson case for the American criminal justice system. I think it exacerbated problems of race in this country enormously. I think it destroyed the sensible coverage of courts, with cameras in the courtroom.