I thought, “Well now, this is a chancy problem, but maybe there will be a student who’s good and would feel like doing it. And so, fortunately, one appeared later that summer, Jim Gordon. And Jim Gordon had had a little experience with beams of molecules already. I talked with him about it, explained, “Well now, this is chancy, it might or might not work. I think it will work, but one can’t be sure. On the other hand, there’s some good things to do along this direction, that even if it doesn’t reach our ultimate goal, there are some good things to do, and it will be an adequate, good thesis program.” And so he agreed to undertake it. So he worked on it. I got another person, Herb Zeiger, a young post-doc, who had also had some experience with molecular beams, and he worked with us for a year. Now that problem — actually doing it — took about two-and-a-half years. It was not easy; we had to build things up from scratch. We had to make a cavity, we had to make a vacuum system, we had to arrange everything and so on. Get some circuitry, build up some circuits — and on a student basis — he was taking courses also. So it took a while, two-and-a-half years. But after that two-and-a-half years — we worked with it for some time — and I remember very well, I was sitting in a seminar with other students, and we were talking about something, and Jim Gordon burst in and said “It’s working!” That was a time that was really great.