I finished Conservatory with a degree in voice and music education, and my second instrument was violin. I started doing concerts when I was a college student, and after we moved to Montgomery–my husband was called to a church there–I continued to perform. I performed concerts the first year, got pregnant, had to stop, performed between babies–I have four children–and I was doing stand-up concerts when I had my fourth child, and I realized I could not continue to do that that way. And I developed the “freedom concert” concept where I narrated the story of the civil rights movement that we were involved in and sang freedom songs in between the narrations that told the story of our struggle from Montgomery to Washington at that time. In 1964, I did my debut with my freedom concert at Town Hall, raised money for the cause, and the rest of the time, I raised money for my husband’s organization doing freedom concerts across the country and so forth.