This is a secret I don’t know if I should share with you, but in my younger days, when I was a sergeant, I ran the biggest crap game in the regiment. That’s achievement! But not to make money. I gave them away because I didn’t want to write home and tell my mother I’m a gambler, because you know she would die. So I didn’t save anything. I gave it all away, so my game was very popular. The losers got their money back, and I saved two silver dollars, and I carried them with me in a bag, a little packet, as a good luck charm, because those two dollars had saved my life. Because a bullet struck the coin, went off, instead of entering my body. So I kept them. The day I got my final injury, I looked for my coins, they were gone. It must have slipped out, so I knew something was going to happen. In fact, I told the platoon leader of the next platoon. I said, “Today I get it.” He said, “You’re crazy.” I said, “No. I know I get it. I hope it’s not too bad.”