Daniel Inouye: I told the chaplain, I said, “I don’t think I can continue doing this.” He says, “Well the war is still on, and if we don’t put them away, they’re going to put us away.” So reluctantly, I went along. I didn’t enjoy my work. Up until then I must admit I enjoyed it, and men who have served, some of them have experienced this. To this day I cannot fathom this, but I was a young corporal — a sergeant — leading a contact patrol from my battalion to the next battalion. We were walking along the trail and all of a sudden I looked up on a hill, not too far away, and here’s this German. He’s crouched, he’s defecating. Nothing glamorous about it. And I told them, “That’s mine. Get down.” I set my sights carefully, pshh, boom. And the men all came up to me, “Terrific Dan, terrific!” Killed a human being, terrific, and I felt good. You know? I’m a Sunday school teacher and I felt good. When I think about it, that’s one of the horrors of war, that you can change a person, train them to hate, train them to kill. It’s a terrible thought. You would think that no one can change you, your soul, your heart, your compassion. But here I was, I shot this German and I was proud, and the men around me came around, “Terrific, Dan!” How can you forget that? That was number one.