I think the American Dream — a dream of equality, of opportunity, of constant progress, of openness, inclusiveness — I think is a core part of what we think of as American culture. I think that the American Dream of that kind of opportunity and equality is what allows us, I think, to be innovative, to be entrepreneurial, to be creative, to take chances. And it is what allows us to not only tolerate but celebrate individual achievement. One of the things that I most regret in the last few decades is the sense of “We/Them, Us/They, One percent/99 percent, the Haves/the Have-not” kind of conflict, where people who have too much are trying to hold onto it. People who don’t have enough are trying to take it from somebody else. What we as a people have always thought is that we work together to try to expand the pie and to try to give every new generation an opportunity. The problem comes when people believe that the new generation is not going to have an equal opportunity. Part of the social compact, I think, that binds us together as a people is the sense that we will tolerate, and as I say, even celebrate somebody else’s success, because we believe our children will have the same opportunity to achieve that success. When that is no longer true, when we no longer think our children are going to get a new deal, then our willingness to tolerate those kind of differences diminishes, and I think that it’s important that we try to get back to the principle of equality of opportunity. It’s not equality of result, but it’s equality of opportunity. But if an unequal result in one generation is going to destroy the equality of opportunity of the next generation, people are not going to tolerate that.