David Boies: In Bush v. Gore, you had sort of the highest stakes that you can in a politically related case. That was a case in which the presidency of the United States was on the line. And as someone who, as I said earlier, would have been an American history teacher if I hadn’t been a lawyer, just being present at that debate, that litigation, that controversy was exciting. But it was particularly exciting to be part of that legal battle, because it was such a critical battle for the American people, our country, our culture and our law. It was, in some senses, more important than we knew at the time. At the time, I don’t think that most of us fully appreciated the difference to this country and to the world that it made as to whether George W. Bush or Al Gore was going to become president. But what we did know is that it was a momentous decision, and it was a decision where, for the first time in American history, the United States Supreme Court decided a presidential election. There had been one election in the past where three members of the court had participated in a government commission. Three senators, three congressmen and three Supreme Court Justices had assembled together to decide the results of the 1876 election. But never had the Supreme Court, as a court, weighed in to decide a presidential election, and particularly not on a partisan basis.