Westerners in those days felt often underrepresented in politics — that all the leaders of the country had hitherto come from the seaboard; many of them had been interrelated by marriage and so on. Here was a man who was outside. He was not one of those insiders, and this was a great advantage, especially in the West, where people had been feeling deprived. “We have nobody representing us in the government.” It was a great advantage, too, in that his language from the West was something that was very clearly understood. Everybody could follow him quickly. Whereas, if he had gone to college in the East — if he had gone to Princeton, shall we say — he would have undoubtedly studied rhetoric. That’s one of the subjects you had to study. And he would understand how you formed an argument and how you used this kind of flower of language and that kind of flower of language, and he would have been incomprehensible to most of his Western listeners, who, by and large, were self-educated, if educated at all.