I would say that the glorified romantic version of Africa and African wildlife that’s often — and even more increasingly — presented to us, is that nothing bad happens, is that baby cubs grow up, lion cubs grow up, and they become bigger lions, and they become big majestic male lions sitting on pride rocks somewhere.  The bad stuff is very often hidden. For instance, you don’t often see that — as we showed in one of our films — that a beautiful lion cub of three months old can have its back broken by a buffalo and survive like that for a week, struggling, and pulling its back legs along. Do we need to know that or not? Not really. I think, in our films we try and point to it. We don’t linger on it, but I think giving a more balanced view of what happens in the harshness of nature is the very reason that we do our films — and that we should all be doing films like this and tell these stories — is because the things that go on in nature are parables for the things that go on in our lives.  We need to learn from nature to have balanced and rounded lives ourselves. So when we’re children, we think nothing can go wrong, but need to prepare ourselves for the time when our parents die or our grandparents die. One of the reasons we have pets, I think, is so that we can preempt the moment of discovery of death within our lives.