Hank Aaron: My first year in the big leagues, I knew I had had a great year in the minor leagues. I mean a great season. Today, if a kid have that kind of year in the minor leagues, he would come up and sign a 15-year contract. I had a great year, but I knew, back then, that regardless to what kind of year that I had — and this didn’t only refer to me, it referred to every player, because there was so many good ball players back then — I knew that I was probably going back to the minor leagues. No matter what happened, I knew that if I had the greatest spring training — and I did — but I was ticketed back to the minor leagues I was going to Triple A, because the Braves had made a very big trade, they had traded for Bobby Thomson, and Bobby Thomson was going to be the left fielder. He was going to play left field, and I was not going to play. So they was sending me back to the minor leagues to get more experience. And as fate would have it — not anything that I had anything to do with — Bobby Thomson broke his ankle in St. Petersburg. I had played a year — half a year, rather — in Puerto Rico. Charlie Grimm, I don’t think he really wanted to keep me, but I think between the management and the general manager, they persuaded him to keep me on the team, and he just did. To do that, he wanted to bring in somebody with a little bit more experience, somebody who had played in the major leagues. At least, I didn’t have anything to do with it, but somebody convinced him to keep me on the team.