Hank Aaron: Here, a little black kid from Mobile, Alabama who has hit a home run to clinch a pennant for the Milwaukee Braves and was carried off the field. And yet, about a mile… No, not a mile! What am I talking about? I would say, in the other part of the country, not the city. In Little Rock — I’m going to get it right — where a black kid was trying to go to school and had to be escorted by marshals into a school. So that was the thing that was so ironic about that. Here I was, a black kid that hit the home run and was carried off the field by white teammates on their shoulders. And yet a little black — what, two, three, five, six, or seven years old, 12 years old — was escorted into school by marshals. So that was the thing that was so ironic about that. The home run was great, but yet it still was part of a… You think about it and you say, “Although this is great for baseball, but other parts of the country, it’s sickening when you see things like this happening.”