I was fortunate enough to play 23 years in the big leagues. I was fortunate enough to play 23 All-Star games. I was fortunate enough to have played in 14, 15 World Series games. Games — not series — games. I played in all these, and I won one home run title, batting titles, slugging percentages, and I’ve done a lot of things that I think that I wanted to do in baseball. What it is that some people might have said that you think that you should accomplish that you didn’t? Would you be disappointed? Yes, I am disappointed that I should have done one thing that I should have done in baseball that I didn’t do, and that’s to win the Triple Crown. I came very close twice, and I didn’t do it. One year I think I was off to the greatest start of my career, I don’t know what year it was, and I sprung my ankle in Philadelphia, and I was out for a long time, and I got off to a good start. But I thought that I should have won the Triple Crown at least two years.