The companies that have gotten into trouble are those that have razor-thin margin for error. Murphy’s law — something is going to go wrong. Things never work out exactly as you plan them. You’ve got to make room for the possibility that things will not be exactly as you had hoped or as you had planned. We built that into that capital structure. Visibility was a big issue with us. What did it mean to our families? What did it mean to our private life? Particularly George Roberts and myself. It was something that both of us wrestled with a lot. How was Washington going to view this? How would this be accepted by senators and congressmen? Were they going to be after us because we had made this large acquisition? We didn’t start it. It was started by the management of the company. We came in and succeeded in buying it. These were the things that went through our minds, much more than “Gee, it’s $25 billion.” We said, “Because it’s $25 billion, and because we are borrowing $14 billion from the banks in bank debt, then if this fails, we don’t want to be the ones known to have brought down the banking system. We have to make this work.”