Henry Kravis: There really were two days, two points in time that were very important. One was the day after a very long, long day and all night we had been up. We thought we had an agreed-upon deal. The other group came back and started raising their bid. That threw the board of directors into turmoil. They spent from eight in the morning until seven that night debating. Did they want to take Ross Johnson/Shearson’s offer, or did they want to take the KKR offer? I felt enormous relief when they came out and said, “All right. You won.” They’d come out earlier and said, “We will pay you an enormous fee (I think it was something like 250 million dollars) to give us two more weeks to decide who to pick.” We didn’t blink an eye. We said, “Absolutely not. You’ve got until today and that is it. We want to own this company. We are not in it for the fee business. We are in it because we want to own this company. We are not giving you any more time at all.” That was all documented in Barbarians at the Gate. In hindsight, we stuck to our principles. We are in the business of buying companies and owning the equity, and putting our own money up, and making the company better. That’s the opportunity we wanted. We stuck to it, and we ended up being successful in buying the company. I felt great relief and great excitement for our whole team, because this firm was brought so much closer together. Our advisors were brought much closer together with us. Particularly Dick Beattie, who was our lead counsel. He’s the chairman of Simpson, Thatcher, and Bartlett, and just a wonderful human being. And that was great pleasure for us. Our accountants lived with us, from Deloitte, Haskins and Sells. So that was all great excitement and relief. The second time was the day that the tender offer was actually accepted and we had enough shares in, and we actually took control of the company.