I remember my first experience, I suppose, that made me cry is chamber music by Brahms. The opening of Mozart’s Requiem — that is just like, forget about it! And it’s not a tear-jerker. It’s just — it moves you. It moves you in a certain way. And then people ask, “Why?” And I can’t understand. I think that if you want to really be specific, and you want to be really accurate as to what is scientific about it, it’s probably a thing about harmonies, that the harmonies affect you in a certain way. That’s why I believe that not everybody cries in the same spot. It’s a harmonic reaction, so that’s very scientific. It’s not like you say, “Oh, well, just that music moves you.” No. When you listen, for example, to Puccini, La Bohème, that’s kind of automatic. They almost call it musical pornography because it makes you, “Oh, my God!” But what is that, really? It’s basically, really, it’s the way the composer put the harmonies together, and I think that has an effect.