Itzhak Perlman: Color has to do with a lot of things. Again, people with talent know how to do color. Now if you want me to talk to you about the technical aspect of color, it has to do with bow pressure. It has to do with bow speed. It has to do with the amount of vibrato that you use in the left hand. It has to do with: “Do you use more vibrato? Do you use less vibrato? What’s the combination?” But these are very scientific kinds of things. Color kind of is another thing. Color can — when people are inspired, they use color and, of course, color is a talent. Can you teach that? I don’t think so. You can say, “Well, he should play softer. He should play more…” But when it comes to naturally doing something, that’s a talent. I always mention to my students — I always say, “I don’t want to know what you’re doing.” In other words, the minute I know what you’re doing, then it’s not spontaneous. Like if I said, “Oh, here they’re going to do — they’re going to slow down here. They’re going to play softer here. They’re going to play…“ It becomes an affect. I want you to be a magician. Not a musician, a magician. What does a magician do? It does something that’s sleight of hand and you see it. It’s the same thing with music. You have to be a magician so that when the listener listens, the listener says, “Oh, my God. This is so amazing,” rather than saying, “Well, I like the way he did this, and I like the way he did…” That’s no longer spontaneous. I just want to relax. Of course, as a teacher, if somebody asks me, “What made it so good?” I can kind of go into it under a magnifying glass and say, “Well, it was this way, it was that way.” But as a listener, I just want to say, “Oh, that was so fresh. That was so nice. I just loved it.” I don’t want to ask any questions. And that’s a talent.