I know an infinite amount about music, but I cannot write an opera. And there is some clown out there without half my talent, who has a curious vision, and can put it all together. He can write the opera. Well, he is entitled to think that he is the person around here who can do it. And I believe that self-confidence is merited on the part of the young person who wants to have a life in the arts because I also believe that without it, you won’t succeed. I knew when I started that I could write, at least as well as people who were making a living at it — and a reputation. And I never wavered on that. I am right now in the middle of a difficult writing project. And it’s just as difficult now as when I started. But when I get up in the morning I am really qualified to say, “Well, Jim, it isn’t going too well, but there is nobody on the block who is better able to wrestle with it than you are, so let’s get on with it.” I do say that.