What’s next? Gosh. I think what I love about science is I don’t know what’s next in the broadest sense. What will I be working on five years from now? I literally don’t really know. I do think that we collectively are at a really interesting moment in biological research, where there is an integration of different technologies, including genome editing, but other kinds of things too, including computation, artificial intelligence. There’s lots of interest in that kind of intersection. And I think there’s a really exciting opportunity to steer that ship and bring those different kinds of technologies to bear on questions that I think are interesting. And I find that, you know, what are those questions?
I’m certainly continually fascinated by what we — meaning me and my colleagues and collaborators — are finding about the way that microbial life populates the planet, all of the different kinds of genetic pathways that those microbes have. We know there will be new discoveries and technologies that will come from those microbes. I think that’s one of the things that we’re most excited about focusing on in the lab right now. The other thing is really trying to build the ways that CRISPR tools will be useful both in clinical medicine and in plants, and that really involves ensuring that these molecules can be delivered into cells efficiently, and when they get there, they make the right edit.