I thought, “Well, they want someone to stand up at the edge of the stage looking nice.” You know? Went down there for three years. I outlived them all. I stayed on and I finished off playing the juvenile leads — very badly. And eventually somebody in a coffee morning said — one of the theater club people said, “I expect you’ll be moving on soon,” and I thought, “Oops, when the audience starts saying that, it’s time to go.” So I moved on. And by then I decided — and I suppose this is one talent I do have, is that I know my direction usually — and I knew that I didn’t want to keep being a repertory actor. Repertory actors move around from town to town, repertory theater to repertory theater, and do maybe six-month contracts, but they don’t earn very much. And I knew that I was too middle class, that I wanted a family, I wanted a house, I wanted a mortgage. And I knew I wouldn’t be able to afford one doing that, so I thought, “I have to go to London. I have to go to London and do a West End show or a film.” So I came to London, and to live — I thought I needed something to live because I don’t want to have to take a job because I need the money — so I worked for a domestics agency which cleaned houses and sometimes did up people’s gardens.