I think it’s a choice of what kind of leadership the United States wants to provide in the world. It’s defining, in our country, the definition of greatness. What is a great nation? It’s obvious that we are now the only superpower. There is no more Soviet Union as we’ve known it. We will have an unchallenged, open, panoramic opportunity on a global scale to demonstrate the finest aspects of what we know in this country: peace, freedom, democracy, human rights, benevolent sharing, love, the easing of human suffering. Is that going to be our list of priorities or not? I don’t see any indication yet, after the Soviet Union has disintegrated, that our country is adopting these kinds of concepts as the thrust of our nation’s influence. I hope that will come. And that’s a challenge to our country that I see as greatest. What are the decisions going to be? We can drift along as though there were still a Cold War, wasting hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons that will never be used, ignoring the problems of people in this country and around the world, being one of the worst environmental violators on earth, standing against any sort of viable programs to protect the world’s forests, or to cut down on acid rain or the global warming or ozone depletion. We can ignore human rights violations in other countries. Or we can take on these things as a true leader ought to and say, “This is the inspiring challenge of America for the future.” I don’t hear any politician on the scene yet who’s trying to explore these concepts.