We had a professor who had both a Ph.D. in chemistry and biology at the age of 23. I remember studying with my classmates for the first quiz that he had and, you know, you were all in the same dorm, and you go to their room and ask a question about this problem, and they said, “Oh yeah, on page 45. There’s this equation like this on page 45.” Oh my goodness, this isn’t going to be good! And I walked into the quiz and we looked at it. And the quiz was, “If you have two organisms — organism A and organism B — and organism A utilizes carbohydrate as its main energy source, and organism B utilizes protein, and you put them both in a capsule with two liters of oxygen and you shoot them off the moon, which one is going to run out of oxygen first?” And I said, “Well, this doesn’t have anything to do with what we were studying.” And then I realized what it was. It’s a conceptual problem. You take what you had learned, and you apply it, and then you figure out — you convert the moles to oxygen and so forth, and figure out how many moles can be converted to carbon dioxide. But the people that had memorized all the equations had a very difficult time. Conceptually, I was very good, so I figured it out very quick and wrote it down and walked out after about 15 minutes, and everybody thought I was a genius.