In that holiday period of 2007 I was sitting at home, and I’m not sure whether it was the lowest point, but it was a point where I was truly trying to find where — what was I going to manifest as next? It was going to be very hard to continue to get the kind of resources to fund risk-taking exploration. People were clearly not believing that there were other sites out there. There were talks of not even allowing digging at new sites because they clearly had failed. And I had almost been a demonstration of that over 17 years. It was at that moment that I became the last human being on earth to discover Google Earth. There I was, surfing and looking at these satellite images that were free. And I have to explain why that was such an epiphany for me. In the late 1990s, I had been awarded a prize for research and exploration by the National Geographic Society. It had been done by some of these other research and discoveries that I had made in the middle 1990s and early 1990s in South Africa. Bill Grosvenor, who was then the CEO, and Bill Allen the editor, took me into a grand office and said, “You can have anything you want, within reason, to do anything you want as part of this prize,” a research grant. I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to apply technology, because right then there was this incredible new technology that was available. One was handheld GPSs that said that you could place your position with coordinates within like 15 meters on Planet Earth. That was amazing to me. We used to have to measure by triangulation our position on a map until that point.