Lee Berger: So on the 15th of August we go back to the site. My dog Tau, Job, my then-nine-year-old son, Matthew. We arrive there and I’m telling them the story of how I discovered it. We walk up the hill, walk to the site. There’s a little hole there where miners had found this site a hundred years ago or so, and they put in two, three dynamite blasts. And then they’d done something that I’ve never seen before — they left it. They knocked a few rocks loose. One of the ones is the one that I’d found earlier. And I said, “Okay, guys, go find fossils. And when you find one, call me. I’ll identify it and let’s see what the site has to offer.” And with that Matthew and Tau are gone — phfft! — off into the bush. And Job and I were standing at the hole, and I said, “You know, Job, I think that the miners left this because they probably did just what I did. They probably found it first, they start drilling holes and stuff, the foreman or someone walks up the hill, he finds all these other caves. And by the time he gets back, they drill the holes, he blasts, he doesn’t see anything worthwhile, and he says, ‘Okay, move it up here.’ They destroyed almost every one of those other 46 caves — destroyed.” And as I finished saying that, Matthew shouts, “Dad, I found a fossil!” He was 15 meters off the site in high grass. I could see he was holding a small rock. And just for a moment I almost didn’t go look, because I knew what he would have found. He would have found an antelope fossil, because at that time the statistical numbers were, for every one of these early hominids we find — these human ancestor pieces — we find about 250,000 pieces of antelopes. We just don’t find these things. My nine-year-old son, encouraging fossil hunting. And I started walking towards him, and five meters away I knew that his and my life were going to change forever, because he was holding a small rock. You have to visualize and crouch down. And there, on the outside of it, was an S-shaped bone.