Linda Buck: You do have to be patient. Oftentimes things don’t work, you have to repeat them, you have to change them. In fact, I’ve often pointed out to students, this is why they call it “re-search.” Because you really have to do it over and over again. But it’s really the process that’s interesting, and that’s also where you learn. I was just saying to a wonderful student in my lab recently — brilliant student — pointing out how much she had learned by having to try different things. To think, to do research in the literature, to try to come up with how to solve the problem that she was trying to solve, and integrate things that she learned into the design of her experiments. She’s grown tremendously over the last year, and I’m so proud of her. You know, she’s learned things that I didn’t know, and that’s how you grow, and in doing that, you learn, and it’s satisfying. And then when you get a result, it’s fantastic. But it’s fun, the process is fun. It’s the day-to-day. You don’t — I don’t anyway — do science because of something that’s going to happen in the distant future, like, “I will get a paper,” or “I will get a prize.” It’s because I like actually doing it.