Marvin Minsky: Around 1963, some friends of mine went to the government to organize the future of information processing. There were some very visionary people. You know, the first really useful computers only started to appear around 1960. There were a lot of computers the ten years before that, but they were very expensive. And so one of my professor friends, who had been a teacher of mine at college, went to Washington and he organized this Advanced Research Projects Agency idea, which led to the Internet and parallel computing and all sorts of things, starting as early as 1963, and he decided he would give me a million dollars a year. The government was very loose then, and so a smart person in the Defense Department could just start a project, Cold War and everything. And suddenly this million dollars a year started arriving, and that was a lot of money, and there weren’t that many people in the world to hire. So, again, I was living in a golden age. If some young fellow who had come with what looked like a pretty good idea, I’d get him. It took a while to work up to spending a million a year. And if there were — you know, most managers have to say, “Well, we’ve got to make a choice, we can do this or that.” I never had to make a choice. I’d do both. And it wasn’t until the middle 1970s that things got more constrained and you couldn’t do any old thing that you wanted or both.