Marvin Minsky: Another thing I should say is that I never liked making management decisions, and when we started the artificial intelligence project around 1958, I started it with my old friend from graduate school, John McCarthy, and we just co-directed it. There wasn’t any director. The two of us would run this project. Somebody would come in and say, “What should we do or could we do this?” And if I was there that day, I’d say yes or no. And if John was there that day, he would make a decision. We didn’t always decide the same thing, but we each could simulate how the other one would think. And then five years later, John went to — went west to California, to Stanford, started another laboratory, and luckily another marvelous person, Seymour Papert, appeared that year, and then for another ten years we co-directed the thing. So I think people are crazy who try to run a laboratory, and as far as I know, every other laboratory has a director, and that person usually becomes scientifically unproductive, runs out of ideas, and after a few years, the director of a great laboratory is a big liability because he’s lost touch. So — but I never managed anything myself. I had another person who thought almost the same way or — and if I had trouble making a decision, I wouldn’t worry about it much.