I did something that nobody else had done, because I figured — which book of mine? I think it was, it might have been The Late Bourgeois World. Or was it Burger’s Daughter? No. I then asked the censorship board the reasons. And of course I consulted with my lawyer friends whether I was entitled to this, and indeed it turned out that within, I don’t know, two weeks or something of the banning order, you could apply. But if it was any later… So I did it very quickly and I got the opinions of these people on why the book was banned. And indeed then, I had a friend at the University of Witwatersrand, an Afrikaans lecturer there, but he and other friends were doing a little secret kind of little publishing venture of anti-apartheid literature. And to do this as an Afrikaner was not easy, believe me, even less easy than for the rest of us, and we talked about it and they agreed — I think he may have even suggested it — that I should write what happened in court, which I did, and there’s this little booklet, which is called What Happened to Burger’s Daughter. So it was Burger’s Daughter, yes. And it was then printed. They did it, and it was given to book shops to give away free to people who bought books there. So it was the only way of distributing it.