I had been in Indonesia when the Indonesian Communist Party pulled a coup in ’65 to try to take over.  The army massacred them.  It was one of the great massacres.  It killed everybody.  If you had a Communist uncle, they killed the whole family.  They killed about 500 to 600,000 people. This stuff was local.  It had nothing to do with any sort of international — the motivations were not international, and the Vietnamese were fighting for the independence of their country.  I realized that, but it took me until ’67 to really turn against the war. It was the violence that started me thinking, and the corruption that went on, that continued.  I mean, the corruption became enormous, because when the American Army came in, all this money was flowing in, and here are all these people who were supposedly — the President of Vietnam, he was up to his elbows in graft. How are these people going to run a country?  So it was a terribly disillusioning experience, but a healthy one.