Jack [Warner], for example, said, “Oh, you don’t want to play Melanie. You want to play Scarlett.” I said, “I don’t want to play Scarlett. I want Melanie.” It’s because I was so young. I had for four years been earning my own living, going through all the problems of a career woman, self-supporting and even contributing to the support of others, which is what Scarlett did. That’s what Scarlett did. So, I knew about being Scarlett in a sense, but Melanie was someone different. She had very, deeply feminine qualities. Scarlett was a self-absorbed person. She had to be. Career women have to be, that’s all there is to it. But, Melanie was “other people-oriented,” and she had these feminine qualities that I felt were very endangered at that time, and they are from generation to generation, and that somehow they should be kept alive, and one way I could contribute to their being kept alive was to play Melanie, and that’s why I wanted to interpret her role.