I was pretending to be Barbara Walters. So I’d go to a news conference, and I was more interested in how I phrased the question and how eloquent the question sounded, as opposed to listening to the answer. Which always happens when you are interested in impressing people instead of doing what you are supposed to be doing. And it took me a while. It took me messing up on the air during a live newscast. I was doing a list of foreign countries, and all these foreign names, then Canada got thrown in. And I called Canada “ca-NAD-a.” I got so tickled. “That wasn’t caNADa, that was CANada. Excuse me, ha ha. That wasn’t caNADa, that was CANada.” And then I started laughing. Well, it became the first real moment I ever had. And the news director later said to me, “If you do that, then you should just keep going, you shouldn’t correct yourself and let people know.” Well, I know who’s ever heard of caNADa? So that was, for me, the beginning of realizing that, “Oh, you can laugh at yourself and you can make a mistake and it’s not the end of the world.” You don’t have to be perfect — biggest lesson for me for television, because then it didn’t matter. It didn’t matter. “Oh, sorry, bra strap’s showing!”