Going into Haiti at that time, it wasn’t clear to me how much things were changing and about to change. So I think people going to Haiti — Americans or people from Europe — and they would say the poor are resigned to their fates. I might have said that when I was 24, but I learned, a lot later on, that they weren’t resigned to their fates, that there was a power to organize and push for real democratic engagement. It was very inspiring to me. So if I said that, in 1984 when I was 24 years old, that they were resigned, that would have, I think, been an error. I may have said it, but that would have been wrong. Again, you learn things. You keep staying engaged. I wouldn’t have thought, for example, that the country of Rwanda could make so much progress in the decade following the genocide in 1994, and yet they have. You know, it’s stable, orderly, growing, the economy is prospering. There’s a commitment to social services like health and education. I don’t think that anyone there in 1995, for example, would have predicted that. So I think it’s wise to be humble about what’s happening in the dynamic of a place. But I may have said that when I was 24. I hope not, but again I have to look back.