Paul MacCready: Those are the lightest. You can’t get any non-toy wheels that are down to the two-ounce, three-ounce category. This was about five inches in diameter. It was only going to be used once on the flight, for a few seconds on takeoff. The rest of the time, it was just dead weight. So you don’t want it good and reliable; you want it just strong enough to handle that. We found that on little toy trucks you could find such wheels, so that’s what we used. The idea of this whole project, and the previous Gossamer Albatross project, the only goal was to win the prize, and it wasn’t to have fun, it wasn’t to make a museum piece, it wasn’t to make something that was ever going to fly a second flight. It was just to win the prize. With the Gossamer Condor, we never even drew plans until after the prize was won. Because you didn’t need plans with the way we were doing it. We used computers for some things, but there were no plans drawn. And it’s rare that you have a project that is so simple — one goal, and you can focus on that. People tend to formalize things more, and they do more drawings, and they make parts better than they need to be. We knew exactly what we were trying to do, and we compromised right to the very limit on every little part. So if a toy wheel worked, great.