Paul MacCready: After that prize was won, this prize of Henry Kremer’s that had stood for 18 years no longer existed, and so he didn’t have a prize out. About four months later or so, he put up the new prize for a flight across the English Channel, which is a 22-mile flight across a dangerous body of water. I think he thought it was probably going to take another 18 years for somebody to do that because it was so much longer than this first one-mile flight. We realized that if we just cleaned up the Condor and made a plane that was more elegantly fashioned — a more accurately contoured wing, many more ribs, better foam to help contour the wing, and so on, focused on structure, didn’t pay any new attention to aerodynamics because that had all been solved in the previous one — this new plane, which we would call the Gossamer Albatross, could get by on maybe a third less power. A bicyclist can put out a little less power for a much longer period of time. And so Bryan Allen, our pilot, should be able to fly this new plane for literally hours if we got it properly all cleaned up. So we built it. I guess it was built by mid-spring of the next year.