As to Bryan, we only felt that he could keep the plane up for two hours. Prior tests had shown his stamina at the amount of power the plane required. We only gave him enough water to avoid dehydration for two hours. Any extra water would have added weight, and he couldn’t have lasted the two hours even. Unfortunately, a headwind cropped up that meant that after two hours, he was still nowhere near the French coast. He still had many miles to go. He was all out of water, and the increased wind also made more turbulence in the air, which made the power required a little bit higher for the plane. And finally, he just had to give up and signal for a tow. A little rubber boat with several people in it went around under him and, with a fishing pole, was trying to snag a line onto a little ring on the plane and provide a tow, to tow it to either one coast or the other. But during the maneuver, he had to move up higher, and he found that the air was a lot calmer up there, in the stable air, and the turbulence was damped out, and it took a little less power up high. Usually it takes a little less power down low; there is a ground effect that helps you. But here there was turbulence that was bad down low. When he got up high, it took a little less power, and so he decided that even though they were trying to catch the plane all the time, he kept dodging, and finally he said — the radio wasn’t working then, but he signaled that he didn’t want to be hooked up, and he decided to continue for five more minutes and give it a try, and the five minutes became ten, became 15, became 20.