Ralph Nader: In the auto area, you have to get across to the public that even if it was the driver that caused the car to veer out of control and hit a tree, that doesn’t mean the car should collapse like a Japanese lantern and the steering column spear the driver. So the auto companies had a responsibility to build a crash-worthy car, and the driver had a responsibility to drive safely. So making that distinction, more and more people were able to say, you know, cars can not only prevent accidents if they have good brakes and good handling, but they can make accidents safe. In other words, like the Dodge’em Car when you were a kid. The whole idea was to crash into another car, a Dodge’em Car at the recreational park, and have a safe crash. So alright, you’ve got the problem in the minds of people, they’re hungry for a solution, you propose the solution. Well, who is going to implement it? If the marketplace doesn’t implement it, the government is a candidate to set safety standards. It’s a kind of police power for corporations. So how does the government get interested? Well, since there’s no department of auto safety, you start with the Congress. The congressional hearing usually gets good media, and leads to legislation, creating or authorizing the government to do research in auto safety and establish safety standards and recall defective cars. And that’s what I did.