Reid Hoffman: Well, SocialNet was, in Silicon Valley parlance, a failure. We did return our capital to our investors, but we didn’t actually make an ongoing company. One of the great things about Silicon Valley is that failure is actually not penalized because it’s a question of what did you learn and what can you do now? And so this enables people to be bold about startups. This enables people to take risks and to try things. And I knew that going into it. And so I knew that there’s a long shot on your first company being successful. I knew I had a long shot, but I wanted to try. And I knew that if I didn’t succeed, I would try again. Now, the exact path that I ended up doing was not planned when I started SocialNet because, it’s like, “Well, I’ll try SocialNet. If it doesn’t work, I’ll try another one.” As it turned out, in my early days in SocialNet, a good friend of mine from Stanford, Peter Thiel, had moved back from New York, had started a small fund, was investing in companies and then had decided to cofound a company at that point called FieldLink, then Confinity, and then PayPal with someone he had met, Max Levchin. And they had asked me to be on the board when they were essentially found in the — when Peter was stepping off as an investor and cofounding the company, the new iteration of the company with Max. And we had one of Max’s friends on the board, a guy named Scott Banister, who’s a good guy and a friend of mine today. Max, Peter, and myself.  And it was actually through SocialNet was essentially a failure, all kinds of learning experiences, like literally I could go on for hours about the things I learned to do differently from SocialNet. But because I had been recounting all those lessons to Peter, Peter said, “Well, come join the board of PayPal, help us with that.” And then about a year after that, Peter’s like, “Well look, could you come help us grow this like fulltime?” And I had already learned a whole bunch of new things and I was like, okay, I would be able to implement them at PayPal. So I joined him in January of 2000. I think my first title at PayPal was COO. I never really care about titles. It was more like what the work is.