I had spent a lot of my time as a graduate student helping start a school for poor children in Cambridge. Cambridge people may not realize, even though it’s got Harvard and MIT, in the 1970s it had the highest dropout rate in the United States for a city its size. So I got very interested in trying to help this school develop new chemistry and math curricula. I was doing that, and one day I saw an ad in a journal for being assistant professor to develop chemistry curriculum at City College in New York. And I thought, “That’s great! That’s what I want to do.” So I wrote them a letter applying for the job, but they didn’t write me back. But I really liked the idea, so I found all of the ads I could for jobs like that. I found about 40 of them, and I wrote to all of these universities. And actually, none of them wrote me back! So that wasn’t going real well. So I started to think, “What other ways can I use my background in chemical engineering to help people?” I thought about medicine, so I wrote to a lot of hospitals and medical schools, and they didn’t write back either. Then, one of the people in the lab where I was, he said, “Bob, you know, there’s a surgeon in Boston named Judah Folkman.” By the way he was also in the Academy when he was alive. And he said, “There’s a surgeon in Boston named Judah Folkman.” And he said, “Sometimes he hires unusual people.” He thought very highly of Dr. Folkman. I won’t say what he thought about me. So anyhow, when I went, I was actually the only engineer in Boston’s Children’s Hospital.