I was pretty naive about this. I had worked on this for nine or ten years. Nobody was using it, but then one company and then a second company — one in animal health and one in human health — wanted to license it, and they actually gave me a consulting fee, and grant money, and I was so excited about this I got a better car, and I had money to support our lab. But these companies were very large. They were multibillion-dollar companies. And what happened was — even though they gave us grant money at MIT — that what happened is, they themselves would do maybe one or two experiments over a year or two, and if they didn’t work out right — and in science most things don’t work out right the first time — they just gave up. So a few years later, one of my friends at MIT, Alex Klibanov, he said, “Bob, why don’t we just start a company ourselves?” So I was able to get these patents back, and we started a little company, Enzytech, and that later merged with our downstairs neighbor to become Alkermes. They used these microspheres to develop drug delivery systems for all kinds of drugs.