Meanwhile, all these technologies were being adapted by the drug companies. So the pace of drug discovery increased dramatically, because they went from testing drugs in animals to being able to use the isolated genes that we had and they could now find. And then it turned out that there were about 1,000 different members of this family, not just rhodopsin and the beta receptor and the others I mentioned, but the smell receptors. It turned out the way we smell is by substances binding to receptors in our nose that look just like these. And then it turned out the way we taste bitter and sweet looks like that. So now, you had three of the five senses working that way. Well, it turns out this family of receptors regulate virtually all processes in animals. And today about half of all the drugs used clinically around the world target one or another of these receptors. I mean, things like beta blockers or antihistamines or opiates or you name it. So the work in the end had an impact far beyond what I could have imagined in 1970, when I was just beginning to do this.