So then I went to my bank. I can’t remember what the numbers were, but it was a lot of money, and I said, there’s a banker — who was still the traditional type of bank manager — his name was Mr. Hermson. You know, up until that moment, if I’d had a dog, I would have called it Hermson, and I would have kicked it quite frequently because Mr. Hermson was never very user-friendly. I sat in front of him and I said, “Mr. Hermson, I would like to borrow some money.” He said, “How much do you want to borrow?” I said — whatever the number was — “1.5 million pounds.” So he looked pretty emotionless. I said, “But before you answer, I want to borrow it for 24 hours, and I will give you a guarantee that you will be paid 24 hours after.” So I set the whole deal up. And for tax reasons, the deal was executed in Estoril, Portugal. It was complicated because of all the history of companies and this and that and the other. So there was a table for the documents, and all I could see in Teddy’s face was, he wanted to see his name was on the check. And I had already preempted that, so all the documents got signed. Two lawyers sort of met and said, “Okay, all the documents. Okay, payment.” Boom. And then he had a bank check, just a guaranteed check, you know, cashier’s check, as it were. I could see the disappointment in his eyes because maybe he had even thought at that stage — and I knew he thought how I’d raised the money, but I hadn’t raised it at all that way. And that stayed a deep secret with me. I mean this is the first time I’ve ever really spoken about it. This was 1982, 30-odd years ago. Well, it was very different then. But it was, again, everybody really won. He had a payment that was beyond his wildest hopes. I owned, briefly, 100 percent of the company, because I quickly sold some shares to refinance my life. And that was really the biggest breakthrough. In 1982, I emerged in relatively complete control of the company. I had partners, but they were very silent partners.