I was a bad reader. I was uneducated basically. Completely and utterly and totally uneducated. I barely went to classes. I only went to the drama classes. I wasn’t really encouraged in my home — as a female growing up in the 50s — to be educated. It was a real lack. My mother did a lot of great things but she wasn’t educated so she didn’t know how to support that. And my brother, who became an elemental particle physicist — one of the finest physicists in the world — and I never went to college. And it really is, in a lot of ways, indicative of what our society was then. I survived and I taught myself, but deeply, as a 61-year-old woman — and my sons would be here in the room going, “Here she goes” — I have been possessed with this longing to have an education, a formal, “Sit in the classroom, write-the-paper, turn it in, get a B, wish for an A” kind of education.