Sylvia Earle: The opportunity to get to know the fish was extraordinary. We found soon that a fish is not a fish is not a fish, that they all are different as individuals. Of the five angel fish that I saw almost every morning, I’d get up before dawn so that I could watch the change-over time, when the night fish — the ones that are active at night — tuck in, and the day fish, the ones that sleep at night, come out. Just as on land there are creatures — not just fish, a lot of other things as well, corals even — there are some that are open by day, and many more in fact, that are open at night. A complete change-over of the kinds of creatures that are obvious at night and at day. So I wanted to be out there just at that moment, that half hour or so, just at dawn. The five angel fish that were almost always there — they’re all angel fish, like all Labrador retrievers have certain waggly tail kinds of characteristics that identify them as Labrador retrievers, but every one is different. Some are more shy, some are more aggressive, some are more curious. Some kinds of fish, like groupers, have a particular kind of personality that make it very tough to eat fish after you’ve gotten to know them on a one to one basis. I certainly don’t eat anyone I know personally anymore.