About 14 percent of the land around the world now has some form of protection of the natural systems, watersheds, wildlife, places where birds can nest, flyways also protected. You know, we’re beginning to understand not just because they’re beautiful and aesthetically pleasing but also because we see other values. We see we need to protect insects, bees, and other pollenators because they serve us well. They keep the planet steady in so many ways that until right about now we could perhaps take these things for granted. But the ocean, you know, the land you can see when a forest is levelled, clearcutting the land, the ocean of today looks probably pretty much the way it did a thousand years ago from the surface. But under the surface a lot has changed. Plankton, those little guys, microbes, bacteria, but also other organisms that are photosynthetic in the sea, some say that the measure of phytoplankton has decreased in the last 50 years by maybe as much as 40 percent. Maybe it’s not 40 percent, maybe it’s only 10 percent, but whatever it is, there’s a downward trend in terms of the oxygen generating carbon-capturing organisms that hold the planet steady.