Thomas Keller: Herb Caen was a great writer. He knew San Francisco in and out. He wrote his social column every day. Herb Caen came to dinner at The French Laundry. And Herb always wrote maybe two or three sentences about an experience he had that he wanted to share. He had dinner at The French Laundry and he wrote three paragraphs about The French Laundry. Now people who are interested in food and wine, they’ll read the food section of The New York Times or the Chronicle or the L.A. Times or any newspaper. They’ll pick up Bon Appetit magazine or Gourmet or Saveur or any of the magazines. They’ll pick up the food guides. Everybody read Herb Caen whether you liked food or not. Everybody did. So that was really the beginning for us of our success in Northern California. And of course that catapulted us to again be financially successful, which allowed us now to commit our resources in so many different ways. We built our new kitchen. We were able to expand our staff. We did so many different things.