Tony Fadell: Well, I’ve always had a love of music, growing up some time in Detroit and everything, that was like Detroit Rock City, right? So I went to concerts when I was young, and I loved music and I learned to play the piano horribly. I was not a good piano player, banging on the keys, bang, bang, bang, bang. So that wasn’t the thing, but I loved to listen to it and learn a lot about it. So music was always through my life, and in college I would start playing tunes for people. And that turned into kind of — before DJs were DJs like we know ’em today, I would just play stuff for parties and stuff like that. And I continued to do it, and even as I came to Silicon Valley, I’d do more and more of that stuff because I loved it so. And I had to start carrying around all these CD cases, thousands of CDs — because vinyl went out. Vinyl’s back in style now, but vinyl went out — carrying all these CDs, and the gear and everything, and I just didn’t want — I loved music, but I hated all the struggle to do this, to carry it, move it, to find the songs I love, to put ’em on, and I’d always thinking — because we were doing these handhelds — and when we started putting headphone jacks on them for audio books, and I’m like, wait a second. These handhelds, one day if they have enough memory, they could be great for music. Lo and behold! Then mp3 players came, or mp3 files came, and then some mp3 players came. And I wanted to make a really big jukebox, so I was making a kind of a rackmount CD player. You’d have the CD and a hard drive inside, and we were ripping the songs — the mp3 would come out of the CDs — and put ’em on the hard drive. That was the genesis. So I was making small stuff, my love of music, and building this box at that startup I was telling you about. Then it all came together into the iPod.