I was supposed to go and read at the University of Buffalo, and I didn’t know until fairly close to the time of the reading that I was supposed to — this was at the time of the Vietnam War — I was supposed to sign a loyalty oath, not only to the Constitution of the United States, but if you please, to the Constitution of the State of New York, and I refused to sign the loyalty. We went around and around and around about all of the different ways around it, but they involved putting down my name and then putting riders under it that made it empty, and I said that I don’t see why I should do that. I mean, I don’t believe in doing this, I don’t think this has anything to do with loyalty, I think it has to do with entrapment. And I won’t play the game, and I just won’t do it. And at that time, it was $1,000 for the reading, and they said, “We won’t pay you,” and I said, “Well, we’ll see about that.” And finally I agreed to go because a friend — it was Robert Haas who invited me, and he was very embarrassed by the situation. He hadn’t known about it to begin with.